Since generations – for generations
The Jordi Notary’s Office (since 2010: Stuber-Jordi Notary’s Office) was established in 1846 and is now run by the fifth generation of the family. It is considered one of the oldest notary’s offices in Bern. Although a great deal has changed in nearly 170 years, the values remain the same: finding legally proficient, client-oriented and enduring solutions and accompanying our clients in all legal matters, on the basis of mutual trust.
More information about the history of the Stuber-Jordi Notary’s Office can be found in the chronicle compiled by Dieter Jordi.
Chronik Notariat
5th Generation
Beatrice Stuber-Jordi
Born 1973
Owner since 2010

4th Generation
Dieter Jordi
Born 1944
Owner 1972–2010

3th Generation
Gerhard Jordi
Born 1906
Owner 1934–1972

2nd Generation
Emil Jordi
Born 1857
Owner 1880–1917
(1917–1934 managed by mother Jordi)

1st Generation
Ulrich Jordi
Born 1826
Owner 1846–1867
(1867–1880 managed by Dr. iur. Eduard Blösch)