Julia Roth

Born: 2000
Languages: German, French, English, Italian
In our notary’s office: since 2024
Email: julia.roth@bernernotariat.ch

  • since 2024 Studies Bachelor of Arts FH in Law (BA)
  • 2024 Specialist certificate in real estate
  • 2023 Vocational Matura type Business
  • 2019 Graduation as a commercial clerk EFZ (notary's office)
  • Administration & division of estates
  • Company & commercial law
  • Enduring powers of attorney
  • Matrimonial property & estate law
  • Medical wishes
  • Notarial law
  • Property law

Born: 2000
Languages: German, French, English, Italian
In our notary’s office: since 2024
Email: julia.roth@bernernotariat.ch

  • since 2024 Studies Bachelor of Arts FH in Law (BA)
  • 2024 Specialist certificate in real estate
  • 2023 Vocational Matura type Business
  • 2019 Graduation as a commercial clerk EFZ (notary's office)
  • Administration & division of estates
  • Company & commercial law
  • Enduring powers of attorney
  • Matrimonial property & estate law
  • Medical wishes
  • Notarial law
  • Property law
Julia Roth