Beatrice Stuber-Jordi
Beatrice Stuber-Jordi represents the fifth generation of the Jordi family to practise as an independent and self-employed notary. She deals with all areas of work that may involve a Bernese notary's office, with a particular emphasis on matters relating to company and commercial law, matrimonial property and estate law, wills, property law and tax law.
Moreover, she provides regular consulting in other areas of the Swiss Civil Code, including the Code of Obligations, and undertakes all public certifications as required by federal and/or cantonal law.
After graduating in law from the University of Sydney and obtaining the certificate of admission to the bar in Australia, Beatrice Stuber-Jordi worked in Sydney from 2000 to 2006 as a consultant on Swiss law and as a solicitor. Today, Beatrice Stuber-Jordi continues to provide regular consulting for individuals and businesses on Swiss-Australian legal cases and issues - a task that she performs with great enthusiasm.
Born: 1973
Languages: German, English, French
In our notary’s office: since 2006
- 2003 Solicitor of the Supreme Court of NSW & High Court of Australia
- 2000 Notary of the Canton of Bern
- 1998 lic. iur., University of Bern
- 1993 Type B Matura (high school certificate), Gymnasium Kirchenfeld, Bern
- Association of Bernese Notaries (VON)
- Swiss Notaries Association (SNV FSN)
- Swiss-Australian Chamber of Commerce & Industry (SwissCham)
- Swiss Community Care Society (SCCS)
- Business Professional Women (BPW)
Beatrice Stuber-Jordi represents the fifth generation of the Jordi family to practise as an independent and self-employed notary. She deals with all areas of work that may involve a Bernese notary's office, with a particular emphasis on matters relating to company and commercial law, matrimonial property and estate law, wills, property law and tax law.
Moreover, she provides regular consulting in other areas of the Swiss Civil Code, including the Code of Obligations, and undertakes all public certifications as required by federal and/or cantonal law.
After graduating in law from the University of Sydney and obtaining the certificate of admission to the bar in Australia, Beatrice Stuber-Jordi worked in Sydney from 2000 to 2006 as a consultant on Swiss law and as a solicitor. Today, Beatrice Stuber-Jordi continues to provide regular consulting for individuals and businesses on Swiss-Australian legal cases and issues - a task that she performs with great enthusiasm.
Born: 1973
Languages: German, English, French
In our notary’s office: since 2006
- 2003 Solicitor of the Supreme Court of NSW & High Court of Australia
- 2000 Notary of the Canton of Bern
- 1998 lic. iur., University of Bern
- 1993 Type B Matura (high school certificate), Gymnasium Kirchenfeld, Bern
- Association of Bernese Notaries (VON)
- Swiss Notaries Association (SNV FSN)
- Swiss-Australian Chamber of Commerce & Industry (SwissCham)
- Swiss Community Care Society (SCCS)
- Business Professional Women (BPW)